PinHole Rejuvenation


gum lift is a cosmetic dental procedure that raises or sculpts the gum line. With the aid of specialised dental lasers, this treatment can be used to increase the length of teeth and to tone down excessively gummy smiles.

This is a revolutionary new technique for treating gum recession, developed by a genius in the US, Dr John Chow. Move the slider back and forth to see before and after of a patient I have treated successfully with the pinhole gum rejuvenation procedure. I was the second person in Australia to travel to the US to learn how to do this, and can claim to be the most experienced. The results are simply remarkable. John should be very proud of himself. He has changed our profession forever. I’m still one of only a handful of Australian dentists trained to do this, but hopefully in coming years there will be a lot more.

  • Before-
    Before After

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  • Before-
    Before After

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The photo left is the other side of the top photo.. Thanks Lesley for letting me give your gums their 5 minutes of fame. If you want to know how it’s done, watch the video at the bottom, or go to the official site for lots more information. If you’re from out of town and want to know if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, send a high quality gum selfie to . I’ll try to tell you if it will work for you, and approximately how much it will cost.

Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation